
  • QueueScheduler
    • QueueScheduler


  • Parameters

    • name: string
    • Optional opts: QueueSchedulerOptions

    Returns QueueScheduler


closing: Promise<void>
keys: KeysMap
name: string
opts: QueueSchedulerOptions
toKey: ((type) => string)

Type declaration

    • (type): string
    • Parameters

      • type: string

      Returns string


  • get client(): Promise<RedisClient>
  • Returns a promise that resolves to a redis client. Normally used only by subclasses.

    Returns Promise<RedisClient>

  • get redisVersion(): string
  • Returns the version of the Redis instance the client is connected to,

    Returns string


  • Close the scheduler.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Force disconnects a connection.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof QueueSchedulerListener


    • event: U
    • Rest ...args: Parameters<QueueSchedulerListener[U]>

    Returns boolean

  • isRunning

    Returns boolean

    true if the scheduler is running

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof QueueSchedulerListener


    • eventName: U
    • listener: QueueSchedulerListener[U]

    Returns QueueScheduler

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof QueueSchedulerListener


    • event: U
    • listener: QueueSchedulerListener[U]

    Returns QueueScheduler

  • Type Parameters

    • U extends keyof QueueSchedulerListener


    • event: U
    • listener: QueueSchedulerListener[U]

    Returns QueueScheduler

  • Run the scheduler.

    This method will run the scheduler in the background, and will not return until the scheduler is closed.

    If the QueueScheduler was instantiated with autorun: false, then it is not needed to manually call this method.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Returns Promise<RedisClient>

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