The type of the job data.
The type of the job result.
The type of the job name.
opts: QueueProOptionsAdds a Job to the queue.
opts: JobsProOptionsAdds an array of jobs to the queue. This method may be faster than adding one job at a time in a sequence.
The array of jobs to add to the queue. Each job is defined by 3 properties, 'name', 'data' and 'opts'. They follow the same signature as 'Queue.add'.
Gets group meta options.
Returns the time to live for a rate limited key in milliseconds.
group identifier
maxJobs: numbermax jobs to be considered in rate limit state. If not passed it will return the remaining ttl without considering if max jobs is excedeed.
-2 if the key does not exist. -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.
Get the given group status.
The group id to get the status for.
GroupStatus - The status of the group or null if the group does not exist.
Get the group ids with jobs current jobs in them.
TODO: Support group id filtering.
Gets all the groups that are in a particular status.
GroupStatus so we can filter by status
start index, used for pagination.
end index, used for pagination.
an array of objects with the group id and status.
Pauses the processing of a specific group globally.
Adding jobs requires a LUA script to check first if the paused list exist and in that case it will add it there instead of the wait list or group list.
Repairs a maxed group.
It seems that in some unknown situations a group can become maxed although there are no active jobs in the group. This function will try to repair this situation.
the group to repair
concurrency: numbermaximum number of simultaneous jobs that the workers can handle within a specific group
Repairs stalled key when you are migrating from v4 or below to v6 or above. This key used a zset and now it uses a set, this is why this method is needed. An error like: 'WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value' in moveStalledJobsToWait script is a good indicator of this change. Note: Migration from v5 to v6 won't need to call this method
Generated using TypeDoc
QueuePro extends the functionality of Queue with additional features for handling job groups, rate limiting, concurrency per group, and more.