Class QueuePro<DataType, ResultType, NameType>

QueuePro extends the functionality of Queue with additional features for handling job groups, rate limiting, concurrency per group, and more.

Type Parameters

  • DataType = any

    The type of the job data.

  • ResultType = any

    The type of the job result.

  • NameType extends string = string

    The type of the job name.


  • Queue<JobPro<DataType, ResultType, NameType>>
    • QueuePro


  • Type Parameters

    • DataType = any

    • ResultType = any

    • NameType extends string = string


    Returns QueuePro<DataType, ResultType, NameType>



  • get metaValues(): Record<string, string | number>
  • Returns Record<string, string | number>


  • Adds a Job to the queue.


    Returns Promise<JobPro<DataType, ResultType, NameType>>

  • Adds an array of jobs to the queue. This method may be faster than adding one job at a time in a sequence.


    • jobs: {
          data: DataType;
          name: NameType;
          opts?: BulkJobProOptions;

      The array of jobs to add to the queue. Each job is defined by 3 properties, 'name', 'data' and 'opts'. They follow the same signature as 'Queue.add'.

    Returns Promise<JobPro<DataType, ResultType, NameType>[]>

  • Cleans all the jobs that are part of a group.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes group concurrency.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<number>


    • use removeGroupConcurrency
  • Returns the number of jobs per priority.


    • groupId: string
    • priorities: number[]

    Returns Promise<{
        [index: string]: number;

  • Gets the active count of jobs inside a given group id. It will only return data when using concurrency per group, otherwise it will return NaN.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Gets group concurrency.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Get jobs that are part of a given group.


    • groupId: string | number
    • start: number = 0
    • end: number = -1

    Returns Promise<JobPro<DataType, ResultType, NameType>[]>

  • Gets the count of jobs inside a given group id.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Gets group rate limit options.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<{
        duration: number;
        max: number;

  • Returns the time to live for a rate limited key in milliseconds.


    • groupId: string | number

      group identifier

    • Optional maxJobs: number

      max jobs to be considered in rate limit state. If not passed it will return the remaining ttl without considering if max jobs is excedeed.

    Returns Promise<number>

    -2 if the key does not exist. -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.

  • Get the given group status.


    • groupId: string

      The group id to get the status for.

    Returns Promise<GroupStatus>

    GroupStatus - The status of the group or null if the group does not exist.

  • Get the group ids with jobs current jobs in them.

    TODO: Support group id filtering.


    • start: number = 0
    • end: number = -1

    Returns Promise<{
        id: string;
        status: GroupStatus;

  • Gets all the groups that are in a particular status.


    • status: GroupStatus

      GroupStatus so we can filter by status

    • start: number = 0

      start index, used for pagination.

    • end: number = -1

      end index, used for pagination.

    Returns Promise<{
        count: number;
        id: string;

    an array of objects with the group id and status.

  • Get the total number of groups with jobs in them.

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Get the total number of groups with jobs in them, in their different statuses.

    Returns Promise<{
        limited: number;
        maxed: number;
        paused: number;
        waiting: number;

  • Gets the count of all the jobs belonging to any group.


    • limit: number = 100

      limit of groups per each iteration

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Get library version.

    Returns Promise<string>

    the content of the meta.library field.

  • Parameters

    • Optional opts: {
          count?: number;
          force?: boolean;
      • Optional count?: number
      • Optional force?: boolean

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Pauses the processing of a specific group globally.

    Adding jobs requires a LUA script to check first if the paused list exist and in that case it will add it there instead of the wait list or group list.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Removes group concurrency.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Remove group configuration.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Removes group rate limit.


    • groupId: string | number

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Repairs a maxed group.

    It seems that in some unknown situations a group can become maxed although there are no active jobs in the group. This function will try to repair this situation.


    • groupId: string

      the group to repair

    • Optional concurrency: number

      maximum number of simultaneous jobs that the workers can handle within a specific group

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Repairs stalled key when you are migrating from v4 or below to v6 or above. This key used a zset and now it uses a set, this is why this method is needed. An error like: 'WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value' in moveStalledJobsToWait script is a good indicator of this change. Note: Migration from v5 to v6 won't need to call this method

    Returns Promise<any>

  • Resumes the processing of a specific group globally.

    The method reverses the pause operation by resuming the processing of the group.


    • groupId: string | number

      the group to resume

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Sets group concurrency.


    • groupId: string | number
    • concurrency: number

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Sets group rate limit.


    • groupId: string | number
    • max: number
    • duration: number

    Returns Promise<number>

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